Friday, November 27, 2009
Thursday, November 26, 2009
Mumbai Attacks - a year down...
So 26/11 is here again. The year just seems to have whizzed past now, and we mark the first anniversary of the infamous terrorist attacks on Mumbai. I can vividly remember that day as the day when Mumbai came to a complete standstill, as the terrorists lay seige and started their macabre dance of death. No one would have least expected the turn of events, as CST, Taj, Leopold's and the Oberoi Hotel all became a victim to this violent massacre. Everyone remembers the chain and sequence of events as they took place. Thanks to our ever alert and over-enthusiastic media who captured most of the drama LIVE. The nation and the world watched as opinions changed and terrorism became a reality. It was an "In Your Face" attack, and most were dumbstruck as they hacked away at the sole thing we possess - our souls. What has changed over the course of the year?
Seemingly NOTHING..and it is wid that helplesness that we continue to commemorate the tragedy. The less we talk about the tragedy, the better ...or so it seems.
For those who lost their near and dear ones to the tragedy........may their souls RIP.....
Thursday, October 29, 2009
And the lull ends...
my heart says can't be, can't be true...only,
can't be true
my heart says can't be, can't be true,
can't be (fading…)
jaane kya chahe mann bawra (2)
akhiyan mere saawan chala (2)
saghan achal sara bor hove
sajan ansuan mein kya zor hove (2)
kya jor hove...apne jiya pe...
mann toh maara yeh manchala
jaane kya chahe mann bawra (2)
akhiyan mere saawan chala (2)
pawan purva mein yu udta jaave
badra chanda se mann judta jaave (2)
aave hawa ka...jhonka fir aisa...
toote patang kee dorr sa
jaane kya chahe mann bawra (2)
akhiyan mere saawan chala (2)
my heart says can't be, can't be true...only,
can't be true
my heart says can't be, can't be true,
can't be (fading…)
Though my eyes can't stop crying
Is there any power in these tear drops, my love?
Do these tear drops have any effect on my heart?
I think my crazy heart is dead now.
Though my eyes can't stop crying
My mind seems to be clouded
Then comes a whiff of a breeze
And it flies like a kite with a broken line
I have no idea what my heart wants
But I keep crying nevertheless.
Monday, September 14, 2009
Freaked out on a Saturday...
Saturday began on an enterprising note. The morning went by trying to figure out, "How to get your passport done, without too many hassles?". The afternoon did cover up though, through a nice easy movie called, "The Ugly Truth". The movie is good, period!!! I don't have any more expert comments or reviews to give apart from what I just said. However the evening started off as disastrous as it could possibly get. And yes, I am referring to the Manchester City vs. Arsenal EPL match. Post-match, friend's asked me what was my expert opinion / feeling???( Such a stupid thing to ask anyway)
One Simple word: "GUTTED".
It was awful enough to see blood streaming down our key striker (Robin Van Persie’s) face, when it was followed up by some unprofessional and disgraceful taunt run by an ex- Arsenal player, Adebayor. The Goal was good but the run was deliberate provocation. The riot I feel was justified. The striker could have been blinded for life. One does not play football like that, regardless of which club or at what level you play. I would probably have been in the forefront as well to throw a tomato on the moron's face. The game was splendid though. As usual, some bad refereeing did them in. It's getting quite frequent these days, with one team alone bearing the brunt, every time. Seems like Arsenal is either under a spell or are cursed. Phew!!!
While some claim this incident to be racist, and biased and what not... most of these statements are half baked or pointless...primarily because one of Arsenal's greatest dark skinned player Thierry Henry is still revered as a great footballer even though he plays for a rival club now. That's what you call a Good Sportsman. Not dimwits like Adebayor, who bring disgrace to themselves and to the sport alike. Shame!!!
Meanwhile, on the flip side, I read some provoking and some thought provoking comments supporting Adebayor. One of them is utterly hilarious...It goes something like this...
I think the FA needs to step in and make clear what an appropriate response by the fans should be, so for example:
Level 1: Player smirks after scoring goal = Fans allowed cat call, jeer and hurl racist abuse
Level 2: Player slides on knees after scoring goal = Fifty fat fans allowed fall down the stairs, hurling invective and attacking stewards
Level 3: Player pulls shirt off opposing player and spits on the crest after scoring goal = Fans allowed daylight bombing raid on rival club ground of their choice.
Level 4: Player scores goal and proceeds to crap on rival dugout and wipe his ass with the managers cravat = Fans take off and nuke the entire site from orbit. It's the only way to be sure.
Grr....Some fans can often stoop to any level to prove themselves right!!!
Apart from this, came the mind boggling loss of the newly crowned Cricket ODI champions - Men in Blue, India. Falling down like a pack of cards, they lost by a margin that would seem teams like Bangladesh and Zimbabwe to be like Championship material. So Saturday's been terrible. Wonder what’s in store ahead!!!
P.S.: I have been asked to keep the posts shorter and more specific to one topic alone. Hmm, Interesting thought that. Will consider it folks…
Wednesday, August 19, 2009
Ah Poetry!!!
Surprise Surprise!!! This post is dedicated to something different. It's Music, Poetry & movies. While our Hindi movies rarely dole out good poetry, apart from those good old days, when Mukesh, Lata, Rafi & Kishore ruled the music movie scene. These days though it is quite rare to see the same old poetic mix that songs of yesteryears had. It's more "Jhing Bang" music these days. Apart from maybe the likes of Javed Akhtar, Shaan and a few odd Pakistani artists, there seems to be a real dearth of talent in the Lyrics of our songs today. Blame it on the "Fast" generation, which wants to dance its heart out on good beats, but whatever happened to good poetry?
I can still vividly remember my school days. Early 90's and Doordarshan was the only source of entertainment. Music meant "Chitrahaar" and "Chayageet", where we saw Jeetendra, Rajesh Khanna, maybe some lucky day there was Rishi Kapoor, and Shahrukh. And the rest of the show used to be filled up with the likes of Mithun and Javed Jaffery (They weree good in their own way). But the songs still made some sense. Then came Sanju Baba with his "Saajan" fame and finally when MTV became an independent channel, we had Channel V follow suit. And there was a transformation of sorts. Suddenly, Daler Mehendi with his eclectic Punjabi spiced up the Pop Scene. Indipop came of age with artists like Suchitra Krishnamoorthy (Remember Dole Dole, Dum Tara…), Mehnaz, Shaan, Shibani Kashyap, Ali Haider, Alisha Chinai all penning down some beautiful lyrics coupled with the funky Pop Dance, it made the right ingredients for a dance era. Then somehow it all fell apart gradually as Indipop died its slow death as abruptly as it was born. Lyrics and poetry too somehow became defunct, and lost the fresh touch.
I remember I was travelling down South from Chennai to Pondicherry, in the late 90's, on a comfortable Bus Journey. I was quite taken aback by the way these buses in the South always keep their music boxes on. They need to ensure something keeps on playing all the time. So, there was this Tam movie featuring Aishwarya Rai which became a blockbuster hit. However what impressed me more than the movie was its simple but meaningful lyrics. The movie was Kandukondaein Kandukondaein. And the lyrics go something like this…
Tuesday, August 11, 2009
Flu Alert!!!

Last weekend I visited the Oberoi Mall near Film city. Now this place is huge. And believe me. It takes a while checking out all the glitzy new stores which have come up. Some real BIG names do the rounds here. Its like a CENTRAL mall in Bombay, apart from that it also has PVR, which makes up for a real good combination. Make sure you go loaded with loads of cash though. This one's really harsh on your pockets. Nevertheless, I always prefer our very own Mulund's Nirmal Lifestyles. Why? Well, it’s more open and airy as compared to any other mall anywhere across the city. Now, one may argue what one would do with open malls in the city. Especially one which has trees in the midst of it. Surprisingly, this is one of the key reasons why the mall is beautiful. Aesthetic would be the best way to put it. A nice mix of trees and glass give it a very natural and elegant feel. Above all, one never feels claustrophobic or cluttered up. Its open feel entices everyone. Anyway, I am not a spokesperson or a promotion manager for them, yet this is one of the places which I love to frequent, quite often...
Saw a few good movies last weekend. Prominently Public Enemies (Johnny Depp), Jaadugar (the one featuring Amitabh Bachchan), Shubhamangal Savadhan (a Marathi Comedy movie), Kaho Naa Pyaar Hai (Grr.. Don’t ask me why I watched this one for the umpteenth time;))). The Ashes is being true to its spirit and is changing sides by the minute. Why does this English team behave like a bunch of Kindergarten kids is beyond reasoning! Anyway, I’m still counting on the English to pull this through. The Premier League is starting this week. And it was some fun to see Manchester United get a sound drubbing from Chelsea. For once, I turned a Chelsea supporter (just for the match alone). Looking forward to the Arsenal magic this season though.
Long weekends beckon meanwhile. This month of August is full of such long weekends and it is a welcome relief from the hassles of work. Business hasn't been really upbeat and recessionary and lay -off fears are hovering above the head. Right now though, I'm just waiting for the long weekend. More to come...signing off for now. Cheers!!!
Saturday, July 18, 2009
Gloomy & Depressing...

The rickshaw guy was an absolute moron. Someone whom I had encountered earlier as well. One of those typical ‘Peeping Tom’ drivers, who have to peek in every rickshaw at the sight of female flesh. The last time he happened to notice a tattoo on someone’s leg. Now it was one beautifully designed Tattoo. This bugger had the enlightened brain to ask me,”Don’t you think people can have tattoos on any part of their body?” “Err…what??” I mumbled. He went on to describe how one’s private parts could also be tattooed. I nodded in agreement, though I noticed his eyes were still on the lady’s legs. I sighed and said,” Yeah, what’s the problem with that? It’s their body. Who are we to comment?” Our bugger seemed not to agree. Kept saying how western values have invaded our culture. What the hell!!! I thought. Just decided to keep mum, nevertheless. No point in arguing with a pea brain. And now of all the drivers in the world, this same driver meets me again. Alas! My fate, I thought. The Traffic snarl was huge as usual. Started from the T- junction at the Highway and stretched a good 2 miles ahead. But the bugger made it worse taking all the unnecessary turns and allowing the others to overtake him. In the bargain, my one way trip cost me Rs. 110. Shit!!! I was supposed to be managing my Budgets. Worse still, I reached office a good 15 minutes late. The weather is kind of gloomy these days and it rains off and on. It makes the surroundings quite unhealthy. And the chest ache now deteriorated further. The afternoon lunch didn’t help either ways. Had some pods for Lunch. (Where did the Greens disappear???). Headache turned worse and a meeting went slightly haywire. But the worst was yet to come. Evening arrived and I moved out of office. Buses were packed to the core. And no rickshaw was willing to go towards Home. And I stood waiting for a rickshaw for a good hour and a half. Really didn’t have the strength to board a Bus either. Finally, even after I got into one, it took another hour and a half to reach home. Went to the ATM to withdraw some cash, and the machine stopped working. Went home to check my Account Status and found that the Loan department has debited my account for the same month twice. And it’s the second time in a row that it happened. What misery!!! And those buggers are still digging up the Powai Road. One only wonders if they are digging for Oil or Gold.
Just fell on the couch in the evening and had a quiet meal, which made me feel a little better. Now, the weekend has dawned. And finally I have some time to myself. Or so I think.
Thursday, July 16, 2009

Now, after immense criticism of the usage for the 'Wet Shoes' remark in the previous posts, I have decided to keep similar retorts restricted. Only till the end of this post though, since it is NOT a 'Maut ka Saudagar' or a 'Budhiya/Gudiya' comment. Those who follow Indian politics will realize the context of my retorts. For the rest, just relax...Carry on Reading...
Just happened to visit the Taj Palace Heritage Hotel at Colaba, this morning. Yes, this is the same one which was attacked by the terrorists. Well, nothing dramatic. Just went there for a client meeting. The guy was French. Considering my general aversion to the French people, this guy seemed better, at least comparatively. The Taj Hotel does look like a battered soldier, nursing his wounds. The Wasabi restaurant and quite a few of the suites and rooms are under major renovation and getting a facelift as well. The Dome however is still intact, although there are renovations happening at every corner. It is however, hard to believe that this was the site which was the centre of Global Attention, where scores of Foreigners and Indians were brutally gunned down as well as the incessant grenade attacks which took place here. Its now silent & peaceful as if the guns are fallen after the war. One can never take away those visuals we saw on the night of 26th November 2008 and the following drama thereafter. It still amazes me how vulnerable we really are in the face of Life today. I'm sure nobody in the Hotel enjoying their Business Discourses or spending that moment taking in the heritage of the hotel would have dreamt of such a wildly, gruesome night. I can still vividly remember watching the whole action on the TV till late in the night. And then began the final siege and slow and painful resurgence to normalcy. No evident sign of the carnage on the outside as of today. For an outsider who hasn’t seen the Taj before, it may seem as if there is some random renovation going on. One can only see closed up windows, undergoing renovation. It will be a while before the slow limp back to Life resumes for the Taj. The Reception staff is ever so courteous and nice. Pretty ladies with their glossy lips greet you a nice warm 'Good Morning'. Well, what more can one want on a rainy day? Jokes apart, foreigners seem relaxed and overall the entire place seems really safe and secure now. Bags are checked very thoroughly and security is really tight now. There is Hope….and it shows in the smiles of the hotel staff.
Strange how uncertain life has become and how helpless we seem to be. Gone are the days when one could go to VT for shopping without fear. We blame things, circumstances and people. Seems like, Life is getting worse day by Day. Helpless, in spite of the gizmos and the Technology around you. We may have the Best of things to make us feel secure. But one can never be too sure...So, do what we always do. Enjoy every bit of Life while it lasts. Kaliyug - they call it. Maybe, but do what little you can to overcome it. With a little more zest and spirit. If you feel like hugging someone, do it. It may be a friend, colleague or someone you just enjoyed being with. No sexual overtones here, it’s just plain, without any logic. And good vibes don’t need any logic anyways. No matter what one does, once this moment in Time is lost, it can never return, no matter how much you cry for it or how much you pay for it. For once, try living for others, not just oneself. Be good and it will feel good to be good. Have a purpose. If you don’t, well don’t bother too much. Sooner or later, you will realize one. To quote the Bible, there are 3 things that are always constant in this world – Faith, Hope and Love. And of all these, the greatest one is Love. So, Live it to the fullest, because life's too short to think twice...Cheers!!!
Friday, July 10, 2009
Of Budgets, Houses and Nomenclature

There is a New controversy which has begun. After whom should we name a Bridge in the City? I mean what the hell? Why do you want to name it after ‘Someone’? Is it really important that a bridge deserves a baptism and some people who are not even remotely connected with the Bridge get due credit for the same? What a Travesty!!! As if, naming it would reduce the Traffic. Anyways, if one names the Bridge after Count Dracula, you would still have enough traffic regardless. The Dracula would not arise from the Ashes to guard the Bridge or scare off Traffic. Give it a Break. Let Dead Souls Rest in Peace!!!
Started following the Ashes. I’m solidly defending England this time around. It’s always fun to see the weaker side to give the Champions a run for their money. In this case, it’s the Ashes.
Rains don’t leave my Sneakers alone. My Woodland sneakers have already started looking like a pair of Wet Cardboard shoes, and my Black Leather Shoes are so soft I far they will dissolve. Now that would be a serious Loss :(
The city is pouring with rain, yet the BMC says there isn’t any water. Apparently it’s not raining in the Lakes or what one calls the “Catchment” Area. Just highlights the amount of neglect, we are all guilty of towards newer technologies like Rainwater Harvesting, Recycled Water etc. BMC, are you listening?
This week I also had the opportunity to check out a New Real Estate site that has sprung up out of the Blue. It’s named after the mineral “Gold”. But when I heard the price!!! God, it’s worth much more than that. The Price is shooting up to almost a crore for a place with 4 rooms. People say the Area is developing rapidly. Duh, like I didn’t know that!!! I spent my childhood here, for heaven’s sake. Now I only wonder what kind of a job does one get to satisfy the pre-requisites to purchase the House here? Recession, Anyone??
I’m going to my native place for the weekend (Again!!!!). This time. I am leaving with a school friend. It’s pouring like crazy and I’m supposed to reach there by 02 : 30 in the night. Sounds Scary???