I found this nice one-liner written on one of my friend's "About me" sections: "We're all in our private traps, clamped in them. And none of us can ever get out. We scratch and claw, but only at the air, only at each other. And for all of it, we never budge an inch..." So True...
Just goes on to depict our egos and the importance we attach to it. Indeed Life would be much better if only we let go of our selfish egos. But most often than not, it comes at a price. Are we willing to pay that price? Most of us aren't, that's for sure. Choices are often too difficult to make. It gets difficult; one only fears the repercussions of choice. Most often than not, it is so difficult to take that leap, go that extra mile. Because we fear, fear for what, though? Fear of being abandoned, fear of being segregated, fear of being left alone in the lurch. If nothing, then fear of having failed. But hey, isn't it true that at least there is a subtle sense of having tried something? The Joy and pleasure of having given it your everything? The quiet comfort and the sense of unseen satisfaction that "Hey, maybe it didn't work out, but I tried my Best". And that's what keeps us egging on, pushing things to the limit. And wandering into the unknown.. After all, in a sentence one can only say: The path untried may sound ridiculous and naive to some, but it is also the path wherein lies the joy of seeking the unknown. Would we all be willing to step out and walk into the untrodden path? Often when you look at the ocean, its immensity and endlessness scares you. Ever been in the middle of the ocean where land seems but a distant horizon? And if you look the other way, one shudders to think where does this ocean end? And does it really end in the first place. It is a question which might have plagued the early sailor's too. The ones who sailed the ends of the earth for months on end, unsure if they would ever return back to their own homes. But they did, some perish. But they became legends in themselves. And that is the true essence of stepping into the unknown, creating a way for others, by taking a path never taken before. So would one be willing to dare go that way?
It is a Choice one makes. But hey, if you haven’t taken that path, do not criticize the one that fails because he had at least the audacity to try. While the rest waited and watched to see the outcome. If successful, one would be felicitated, if not, then forgotten forever. And lost in the multitude of millions. We all fear to let go sometimes. But we must whenever we can. Keeping a Hand on our Heart. And moving on with a Smile. Ever so difficult, yet the only way forward. After all, that is what one calls “Destiny – the Untrodden Path”.
Just goes on to depict our egos and the importance we attach to it. Indeed Life would be much better if only we let go of our selfish egos. But most often than not, it comes at a price. Are we willing to pay that price? Most of us aren't, that's for sure. Choices are often too difficult to make. It gets difficult; one only fears the repercussions of choice. Most often than not, it is so difficult to take that leap, go that extra mile. Because we fear, fear for what, though? Fear of being abandoned, fear of being segregated, fear of being left alone in the lurch. If nothing, then fear of having failed. But hey, isn't it true that at least there is a subtle sense of having tried something? The Joy and pleasure of having given it your everything? The quiet comfort and the sense of unseen satisfaction that "Hey, maybe it didn't work out, but I tried my Best". And that's what keeps us egging on, pushing things to the limit. And wandering into the unknown.. After all, in a sentence one can only say: The path untried may sound ridiculous and naive to some, but it is also the path wherein lies the joy of seeking the unknown. Would we all be willing to step out and walk into the untrodden path? Often when you look at the ocean, its immensity and endlessness scares you. Ever been in the middle of the ocean where land seems but a distant horizon? And if you look the other way, one shudders to think where does this ocean end? And does it really end in the first place. It is a question which might have plagued the early sailor's too. The ones who sailed the ends of the earth for months on end, unsure if they would ever return back to their own homes. But they did, some perish. But they became legends in themselves. And that is the true essence of stepping into the unknown, creating a way for others, by taking a path never taken before. So would one be willing to dare go that way?
It is a Choice one makes. But hey, if you haven’t taken that path, do not criticize the one that fails because he had at least the audacity to try. While the rest waited and watched to see the outcome. If successful, one would be felicitated, if not, then forgotten forever. And lost in the multitude of millions. We all fear to let go sometimes. But we must whenever we can. Keeping a Hand on our Heart. And moving on with a Smile. Ever so difficult, yet the only way forward. After all, that is what one calls “Destiny – the Untrodden Path”.
As they say, 'Destiny is what you meet on the road you took to avoid it.'
ReplyDeleteAlthough I'm not sure I believe it.
Boy oh boy...that is soo true...I suppose we do feel lost once too often each time we encounter failure....worse off is the apparent lack of direction or hope ...